Sunday, August 15, 2010


Apologies for the lack of writing. Life’s been hectic.


Bondage is not complete without one, in my opinion. What’s the point of being trussed up, tied up, tied down, strapped in, strapped up or strapped down, if you can still freely flap your gums?

There’s something extremely constricting in simply being unable to talk alone. Imagine if you just walked around all day without being able to talk? (This includes texting, writing etc. etc). Being unable to communicate with people is very isolating, when you think about it. And after all, isn’t isolation a theme with bondage from time to time? ;)

Duct-tape is the winning champion with me. It’s also something I’m the most picky about. If I try to blow air out of my mouth when I’m gagged with tape and it manages to escape, that means that the gag is fail, not tight enough, and needs to be done over again.

I’m a huuuuuge fan of Gorilla Tape. It’s thick, it’s black, it’s sweat resistant, its got some weight to it so it feels sturdy when it’s all over your face. You get the idea. The only drawback is facial hair. If you have lots of it, you might regret it. Being the smooth-skinned and pale individual I am, facial hair is rather thin.

The latex/PVC “bondage tape” stuff is a close second. The few times I’ve played with it though, I didn’t much like it. It slid around a bit from perspiration and moisture around the mouth. I think it works wonderfully alongside duct tape though, especially if you’re going to wrap it under the jaw and around the head, or to use it as a blindfold.

If there’s no tape around, muzzles are the way to go (or, they can just go overtop of it!).

The Bishops is quite possibly the best fucking thing to exist in my opinion, not only because of the versatility of the gags (just flat leather against your face, or one of the rubber plugs to gnaw on, etc.), but because the hood leaves the top of the head fairly open and it leaves the nose fully exposed. I’m someone who doesn’t tolerate full hoods well, and I don’t do good with heat either. I’ve played around in full hoods and sensory dep ones before, and they rate high on the list of things to give me an anxiety attack. If my nose is in any way covered or obstructed, I feel like I’m slowly suffocating, and even if I’m not, that feeling kills my mood quick.

However, if I’m gagged and only able to breathe out of my nose, by all means, feel free to stick a clothespin on it and watch me struggle. Breath control makes me happy! (poppers, gassing and choking however, does not).

-Let’s pause here for a safety moment!-

Not being able to talk sometimes poses risks in bondage scenes, as we can all pretty well assume. It’s that lack of communication and feeling of helplessness that really drives some people over the edge too, but I’m not one of those people most of the time. Don’t get me wrong, that shit really turns me on, but if something happens, I need to be able to get the word out to whomever I’m playing with. While I can understand that agreeing on some kind of “Woah! Stop!” signal can be a turn off for some people, because it gives them a guaranteed way out, but I am not those kinds o people. I usually play with the rule of “Two short grunts and a third long one means stop”, and even then, usually that just means take off the gag so I can speak, cause I’d rather just address whatever is wrong or unbearably uncomfortable, and then get back to business.

When I’m in the mood for some kink, I like bondage, and I like staying in it. I’d rather be comfortable and last longer than burnt out quickly and hitting limits from something overly stressful. ;)

-End safety moment-

One of the biggest things that turns me on about gags is that the only sounds you can get from someone who is gags is grunts and moans.

Hearing another guy just grunt and moan and whine is the greatest symphony to my ears.

Despite how talkative a person I am, when it comes to bondage, I’m rather quiet. Straight-up, no strings attached vanilla sex? I’m talkative and grunty and moany and just generally noisy as shit. If I’m gagged and bound and not making noise, then it means I’m rather bored with whatever is going on, or I’m asleep.

ProTip: Don’t let me be bored and asleep, please and thanks. ;)

Now, to round this entry off, here are a few favorite pics of mine of guys gagged. (Standard disclaimer: I didn't take these pics, they're not of me, but damn they're hot!)

Sunday, August 1, 2010



The moment I first saw one, I was in love. I don’t know why. I can’t explain why. It simply just is.

It’s a bondage instrument of restraint, captivity and comfort; Three things I adore.

If you’re in one that’s been tailored to have a few extra buckles and straps, it’s virtually inescapable. You can’t move your arms at all, you can’t slide the jacket up off your body. It’s a device that leaves one feeling a sense of comfort as well. You can wiggle and move a bit, and having one’s arms across one’s chest is something that tends to bring a bit of comfort since you’re hugging yourself. The jacket can be strapped and pulled tight, to give that feeling of restraint and captivity that so many bondage enthusiasts chase after, and that tightness can work to the advantage of other devices as well. Crotch straps can pull whatever is under them up and closer to the body (perhaps maybe even shoving in any inserted anal toys in even deeper?) or act as a means to frame and cushion one’s crotch area.

My first time in one was last year, and once I was in it, I didn’t want to get out. I was wearing a leather jacket and leather pants under it, as well as a rather vibrant pair of blue boots that belonged to the guy I was playing with, Dogcatcher.

I was hooded and gagged, and the gag was a soft and squishy rubber plug with a breathing tube through it. It was quite comfortable, as was the hood. It left my nose fully open and exposed, which is a good thing. I’m not a fan of my nose being covered in any way, shape or form (unless of course, we’re venturing into breath-control territory). I’ve got a rather legitimate reason for this, as I’ve got a deviated septum. Only one nostril really works for me, so when I’m already in a situation where breathing through my mouth is impossible, just breathing through my nose alone feels like a slow suffocation to me sometimes. It’s like, no matter how deep a breath I try and take, it’s never enough. This isn’t really a problem for me though as long as I don’t thrash about or struggle too much, so it’s of no real serious concern. Being in heavy sensory dep hoods where the only air access one has is through two little metal ringlets that just happen to lay somewhere near the nostrils (but not exactly on them) has the effect of making “lose my shit”, for a lack of a better term, because it just feels like I can’t breathe at all, no matter how hard I try.

Anyway, I digress. I loved the hood.

My ankles were spread out with a spreader bar, and some chain was thrown over the straitjacket for added measure. As the photo below would show, I was quite happy

I was like this for about two hours, and after being untied and unhooded, I expressed how I –really- didn’t want out of the jacket, so Dogcatcher obliged my request, and tried out something different.

My arms were moved from the front of my body to the back of my body, and I was laid face down on the floor. He then took some saran wrap and duct-tape and individually wrapped each leg of mine up to my waist, and then taped both legs together, effectively turning the lower half of my body into one large chunk of….body.

Surprisingly, this position was extremely comfortable. I was like this for another 2 hours, and for some time, I was unconscious! It was a little too comfy, and as a result, I managed to get myself a little nap!

Currently, I’m still saving up for my own leather straitjacket, but within the next month or two I should have enough money in the bank to order me one. I’m so excited. :)